Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Benefits of Barefoot Walking

There was a time when barefoot walking was measured to be immodest and was frowned upon by people. In fact, watching an important person walking without his/her shoes, or at least slippers, on was bound to create a negative notion about him/her in other people’s mind. Running/Walking barefoot can be a contented and refreshing experience that most people enjoy.

By running bare foot you will naturally learn to enlarge your foot and spread your toes which will make the foot become a strong base that sustain all of your movements.You have small muscles in your hips, legs, feet and ankles so as to are not activated with thick running shoes on. When you are bare foot, these muscles are occupied and you will find you have better coordination and improved balance.

Barefoot walking helps to develop better insight of the contact with the ground, which allows us to interact with support more efficiently, place the body weight on the foot additional precisely; have better timing of the contact with the ground. It develops muscle strength, mainly in those groups of muscles of the feet, and connected muscles of the legs and hips, which are out of use when we are in shoes.

Useful Links: Truck Scales, Floor Scales, Weighing Scales 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How to Get Healthy Bones

Healthy Bones

The skeleton is what holds the body up. Our bones are very important for correctly running our bodies. When bones are injured, belongings get dicey. Especially as we age, it is important to remain our bones healthy in order to avoid osteoporosis, or “brittle bones.” Eating well is one of the best ways you can take care of yourself and persons who depend on you.

When the bones are brittle, then they are additional prone to breaking. In the older population, this means that a fall can seriously injure a bone. Hip fractures and other such breakages are ordinary from falls that just a few years ago would have hardly raised a bruise. But in order for one to contain healthy bones as one age, it is important to lay a solid foundation while young.

When it comes to building strong bones, there are two key nutrients: calcium and vitamin D. Calcium supports your bones and teeth structure, while vitamin D improve calcium absorption and bone growth. Bones need to be taken care of with adequate elevated quality minerals and vitamin D down with nutrients to slow down the break down/wear and tear process that leads to bone loss.

Useful Links: Truck Scales, Floor Scales, Weighing Scales 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Best Juices for Summer


Apart from all their nutritious qualities, juices are very delicious and a few of them have a very unique taste. Not only they are hundred percent natural but are simple to make and prepare. You can join several fruit juices and have yourself a cocktail even. Drinking your veggies is a suitable way to add powerful plant-based nutrients to your diet.

Lemon Juice: - Lemon juice has an effect on digestive system additional than anything else. Many diabetics have a inferior amount of stomach acid than others, and the acid in lemon juice can help counteract that deficiency. The result is that food is process at a different rate, and that can effect blood sugar. However, the effects are comparatively small, and you probably won’t notice a difference if your blood sugar level is volatile.

Beetroot Juice: - Beetroot Juice helps in the development and making of red blood cells. This particular juice as well helps those patients having memory losses or face problem concentrating. Beetroot Juice is mainly helpful in decreasing the damage done due to menstrual and menopausal problems.

Mango Juice: - Mango Juice contains high level of antioxidant which helps prevent different types of cancer. This particular juice helps in the sanitization of your blood leading to a healthy and a happy life. Mango juice is also helpful for your kidneys. It can be mixed with numerous other types of fruit juices for example kiwi and banana.

Tomato Juice:-The lycopene in tomato juice appears to lesser the risk of prostate cancer. Vegetable juice has far less sugar and less calories than the typical fruit juice.

Apple Juice: - Improves heart health and lung function and is good for liver and guts.

Pomegranate Juice: - Improves heart health by lower blood pressure.

Watermelon Juice: - Watermelon juice helps lose weight quickly, securely and naturally. It is the solution you can trust to help you get back in shape without starvation without any drastic diet, without going to the gym and without suffering from low energy. It is the greatest way to lose weight that Mother Nature has to offer.

Useful Links: Truck Scales, Floor Scales, Weighing Scales 

Urticaria Treatments Types

What is Urticaria?

Its an annoying form of allergy that is caused by an adverse reaction to an external stimulus.

While treatable, It can be challenging to both the patient and the doctor because the cause is not often easy to identify.

Cholinergic Urticaria -

This form of skin hives is fairly common out of all of the different forms of chronic urticaria. It's been estimated that about 11% of chronic urticaria sufferers will have cholinergic urticaria. It's main trigger is outside heat causing an internal rise in body temperature. Emotional stress is also a major contributor, but cholinergic urticaria is often times also known as exercise induced hives, because physical activities like yard work or hitting the gym can also bring it on.

Chronic Urticaria -

Its condition that causes hives to develop on the skin. The skin reaction is characterized by pale and slightly raised wheals or swelling, which is often surrounded by redness with borders that are clearly defined.

Commonly the skin condition is triggered by insect bites, stings from bees, or foods such as nuts, peanuts, shellfish, or eggs.

Aquagenic Urticaria -

Its until now was a major problem even to doctors, researches and the biological institutions. It was a major hurdle in development itself and until now was incurable.

Solar Urticaria -

Its rare condition, which until recently couldn't be treated, very complex disorder, and it's still not clear what is causing it exactly.

Amino Acid is not easy to find because it is present in very few natural substances.

Regarding solar urticaria treatment which is an example of auto-immune diseases, must inform as much as you can and follow the prescriptions of the doctor completely.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How Much Salt is Safe?


Salt is a ordinary seasoning in a normal diet. Several people add it to recipes and use it as seasoning on food. Several people claim that they cannot taste their dinner without adding some seasoning, but cutting back will enable you to determine flavors that you never knew were there.

Most people drink a lot more sodium than is needed and there’s considerable debate about whether this is safe or not. High salt diets have been linked to increase blood pressure (hypertension), one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Excessive salt intake has been linked to other health problems:

• Excess calcium loss from bones, raising the risk of osteoporosis
Fluid retention

How much salt is Safe?

Based on the supplies of a human body, an average adult requires an intake of 4.2g salt per day. The optional daily intake for optimum health is 460 – 920 mg of sodium per day. At the moment the average adult intake is 10-12g. Pro-salt campaigners dispute that any healthy body will process just the right amount of salt it needs and the kidneys will dispose of any surplus.Once on a low salt diet…it may take at least 4 to 6 weeks previous to your taste adjusts to it! So cutting back on salt…make sure you do it regularly.

Useful Links: Truck Scales, Floor Scales, Weighing Scales 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Health Benefits of Cinnamon for Diabetes Weight Loss

Benefits of Cinnamon -

It has many purposes and has an unbelievable benefits including brain health, preventing ulcers and of course cinnamon for weight loss.

It has ability to make the body more insulin resistant.

It has been shown to help keep blood sugar levels stable and recommends to diabetics to help control their insulin levels.

I read lots online positive reviews from many people who already used cinnamon supplements had better blood sugar balance than those who only received prescription supplements for this condition.

The active ingredient in from it which known as "cinnaldehyde" helps to prevent blood platelet clotting which protects the heart.

Anti inflammatory effect makes very heart healthy spice to incorporate into your diet.

Now a days you can buy easily it in many different forms likes,

Cinnamon Sticks, Powder without the sugar, Tea Bags etc.

It has a very distinct taste and you may find it hard to get used to the sugar free so its an idea to move slowly from the sugary one to the sugar free. One and half teaspoon of powder daily can also lower cholesterol and keep you feeling healthy.

Cinnamon Bread -

This type of delicious bread that can be used as a dessert or a breakfast. It is also sometimes called Monkey Bread.If you want to have a nice added touch, make some powdered sugar glaze and drizzle over the bread.

Cinnamon Cupcakes -

With delicious cupcake recipe that is also very impressive to serve at a dinner party or upcoming holiday event. The cupcake is cinnamon, then I dug out the center and filled it with caramel and then topped them with vanilla butter cream frosting.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guttate Psoriasis Causes Symptoms

What is Guttate Psoriasis -

Its type of psoriasis that looks like small, salmon-pink drops on the skin.

Its name derived from the Latin word gutta, meaning drop. Its not contagious and may be inherited, usually occurs on the trunk, arms, or legs and may cover a large portion of the body.

The trigger to the disease is usually a streptococcal infection. It can break out and disappear without ever returning.

Guttate Psoriasis Causes -

Fewer than 2% of those with psoriasis have the guttate type. It's more common in children and adults younger than 30 years. Boys and girls are equally affected.

Those with a family history of psoriasis have an increased chance of having the disease. Some people carry genes that make them more likely to develop psoriasis.

People with this condition may have a significantly higher number of human leukocyte antigens BW17, B13, or CW6 than others.

Guttate Psoriasis Symptoms -

Small, salmon-pink drops usually appear suddenly on the skin 2-3 weeks after a streptococcal infection, such as strep throat or tonsillitis.

The drop like lesions usually itch.

The outbreak usually starts on the trunk, arms, or legs and sometimes spreads to the face, ears, or scalp. The palms and the bottoms of the feet are usually not affected.

Nail changes, such as pits and ridges, which are characteristic of chronic psoriasis, may be absent.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Health Benefits of Jackfruit


Jackfruit is an aromatic, fleshy fruit celebrated for its delicious taste. But many people who enjoy eating jackfruit do so finally unaware of its many health benefits. Jackfruit is a tree species belong to the mulberry family. Jackfruit is very sweet and tasty, while the jackfruit is opened, you will find the bright yellow pods (when ripe) which can be eaten raw or cooked. When immature its flesh is green, and it can be made into a delicious vegetable dish. Jackfruit has a lot of health benefits.

Health Benefits of Jackfruit:

• Being rich in potassium, jackfruit has been found to be helpful in the lower of blood pressure.
Jackfruit is also known to include anti-ulcer properties which help cure ulcers and digestive disorders. In addition, the present of elevated fiber in the jackfruit prevents constipation and helps in smooth bowel movements.
• The root of this fruit has been found to be helpful for those suffering from asthma and also good for the treatment of numbers of skin problems
• Jackfruit proves to be a very good source of vitamin C, which is identified for its high antioxidant property
• Boasting of anti-ageing properties, the fruit can help slow down the deterioration of cells and make the skin look young and supple.
• Jackfruit serves as a good provide of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, for the human body.
• It is believed that the fruit can help avoid and treat tension and nervousness.
• Since it contains few calories and a very little amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.
• If you are suffering from constipation, normal consumption of the fruit will surely prove beneficial.

Useful Links: Truck Scales, Floor Scales, Weighing Scales 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Peripheral Vascular Disease Symptoms Treatments

What is Peripheral Vascular Disease -

Its a medical term referring to some vascular diseases affecting the peripheral blood vessels.

Its an obstruction of large arteries, can result from atherosclerosis, inflammation problems, an embolism or blood clot formation.

It usually causes a lack of blood supply, either chronic or acute with four stages,

(1) being mild discomfort when walking
(2) being severe discomfort when walking
(3) being discomfort when resting
(4) being severe discomfort when resting

Peripheral Vascular Disease Symptoms -

weakness in muscles
cramping in muscles indicating low blood flow
sores or ulcers that heal slowly or not at all
change in limb color and temperature
diminished hair growth on the affected part

Smoking of tobacco, diabetes, elevations of total cholesterol, elevated blood pressure and various inflammatory mediators are main causes.

Critical Limb Ischemia - Patients with this condition have a risk for CLI, in which the blood supply is not enough to maintain vital tissues, leading to their death and putrefaction.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Olive Oil for Skin

Olive Oil Tone is best natural cure you can use for dry skin.

Light and mildly antibacterial oil, like the oil produced by our sebaceous glands.

We can replace it with your moisturizer because of its rich in polyphenols: antioxidants that check the spread of free radicals, or damaging substances caused by sun exposure, pollution, smoking, and alcohol.

It doesn't contain irritants such as perfumes or dyes.

Apply liberally on particularly troublesome spots for conditions like wrinkles and stretch marks.

Apply a generous amount of olive oil on your hands at night before going to bed. Wear a pair of cotton gloves, and go to sleep. You'll be amazed at how much better your hands will look in the morning.

Face Mask - Add a few drops of olive oil to clay mud or mashed avocado, then apply the paste to your face. Let it sit for five to ten minutes, then rinse off.

Dry Skin Moisturizer - Add about 1.5 ounces of glycerin, beeswax, or any other edible food thickener to one pint of olive oil. Heat until melted. Add more thickener if desired, then heat again until preferred thickness is achieved.

Use as you would with any over-the-counter moisturizers.

Extra-virgin olive oil is oil taken from the first pressing of the olives, and is the purest form of oil you can find. Stay away from other variants, as these have already been chemically processed and may not be ideal for dry skin treatment.

Benefits of Olive Oil on Skin -

(1) Its composed of monounsaturated fat, which is considered a healthy fat which offer a plethora of health benefits, when used in moderation.

It has the capability to lower blood pressure due to containing beneficial antioxidants, which are most prevalent in extra-virgin oil.

(2) Its able to control blood sugar specifically by lowering blood glucose levels.

Diabetics, or border-line diabetics, are instructed to follow a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet.

(3) It can help control blood sugar even if diabetics switch to a high fat diet, considering most of that fat comes from olive oil.

(4) Additionally, It does not negatively effect the levels of good cholesterol, known as HDL cholesterol.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

15 Secrets of Good Fitness

Good Fitness

To get satisfied and fit read top 15 secrets of good health and fitness forever! To stay healthy and cool follow some good habits and include these secrets into your daily life. Besides these forever remember 5 things: Connect, Be Active, Be Aware, Keep Learning and Help Others!!

1. Laughing keeps you young and provide limitless health benefits. Keep smiling forever.
2. Start your day with a well-balanced breakfast and mealtime.
3. Take time to count high-quality things that are present in life.
4. Our body needs quality sleep to redevelop and to live so take rest.
5. Alcohol and smoking can source relationship, money and health problems. Both contain a huge amount of needless calories. Try to keep away from them.
6. Look at yoga and exercise as a delight and privilege not as a burden.
7. Stay forced so make sure you have some music on the go or a great view to keep you focused.
8. Think twice earlier than decide what to do, what to eat and why.
9. Why not try a new activity? Or new ritual Go wild and try new things all the time.
10. Keep a daily planner with the designed actions and always make some time for relaxing.
11. Subscribe to health, lifestyle journals to keep listening carefully on a healthy and balanced life.
12. Understand the significance of time and complete your work on time.
13. Live a balanced life as well as work, family and GOD.
14. Make goals and create plan to realize them.
15. Make a review of activities at the end of the day to set prospect actions and plan.

Useful Links: Truck Scales, Floor Scales, Weighing Scales 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Buttermilk Fights With Obesity


Buttermilk is fashioned by culture, the milk is curved into curd and then this curd is mix to produced buttermilk and cream. Buttermilk is very good for body and has additional lactic acid and less fat as compared to regular milk. It is an extremely good carminative and digestive drink as describe by Ayurveda. Buttermilk is useful in difficult digestive disorders and also in treating obesity.

There is lot of delusion amongst people that buttermilk is too fatty as its name has word “butter”. But this is wrong and it contains a smaller amount fat and calories than regular milk. It is very useful in dipping body heat and therefore can be consumed in large quantities during summer.

People facing absorption problems can have buttermilk with little rock salt as it gets digested easily and quickly. It is useful drink for all calorie mindful people with rich essential nutrients. Buttermilk is wealthy in vitamins (B12), potassium, phosphorous and calcium.

Buttermilk helps in:
• Overcoming obesity
• Improving digestion
• Providing protection against various diseases
• Providing precious vitamins and minerals
Increasing immunity

It is advised by physicians to devour buttermilk more instead of milk due to all such benefits. It can be taken anytime as a stimulating and healthy drink!

Useful Links: Truck Scales, Floor Scales, Weighing Scales 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Chicken Skin Disease Treatment

Feeling tiny rough bumps on the outer-upper arms and thighs is not entirely unique to certain individuals.

This skin condition might be mistaken for other skin conditions especially during the winter season.

Chicken Skin Disease also known as "keratosis pilaris".

Its actually a genetic disorder that involves the keratinization that occurs in the hair follicles.

Other skin conditions that may be associated are atopic dermatitis, xerosis, and ichthyosis.

Chicken Skin Treatment -

(1) Expose the skin to sunshine for about fifteen to thirty minutes, not to overexpose the body so as to dry it out too much.

(2) Increase humidity levels while indoors is also recommended for adequate skin hydration.

(3) Using soaps that contain urea, propylene glycol, and lactic acid, as well as other emollients have been found to soften the hardened tiny bumps on the skin.

(4) Applying moisturizers after bathing is also a good way to keep the moisture in.

(5) Staying away from foods that have been known to cause allergic flare-ups is a good start.

(6) Foods containing omega-3 fatty acids such as flax hemp seed, walnuts, salmon, and tuna are highly recommended.

(7) Drinking ample amounts of water is always advised as the body functions better when it is properly hydrated.

(8) Mixing equal parts of olive oil and sugar can give you an effective exfoliant that you can use in order to slough off the keratin plugs as well as other dirt particles from your skin.

(9) Using apple cider vinegar to wash the area affected by keratosis pilaris could take the place of using lactic acid washes and creams.

(10) Adding several tablespoons of Vitamin E oil to your bath water could help seal in the moisture in your skin and improve the appearance of your keratosis pilaris.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Green Tea Cake Recipes

Green Tea Cake Recipes -

This is a light and moist cake that is not too sweet and has a refreshing green tea fragrance.

The frosting uses cream cheese but has enough sweetness to mask the sour taste.

Green Tea powder gives it a delicate green hue too.

It can also be baked as a sheet cake in a 9x 13 inch pan or as 2 separate round cakes in two 8 inch round pans.

Because of Health Benefits of Green Tea this recipe become really most popular all over the world.

Green tea is also part of many skin care products for Healthy Skin, does have antioxidant properties and can protect against sun damage by working to subdue unhealthy cells.

It's also good for easing rosacea redness, and has been found to be a good acne treatment as well.

It may inhibit the growth of cancer, simple, inexpensive means of preventing diabetes, safe and inexpensive cure to acne and reduce the inflammation associated with acne.

It educes blood cholesterol and blood clotting and lowers blood pressure. It also has the ability to combat heart disease and reduce the risk of strokes.

It may protect the brain and fight the memory-robbing effects seen with plaque deposits in Alzheimer's disease.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Green Tea Calories - How Many

Here I have perfect answer of your questions like,

(1) How many calories in Green Tea
(2) How many calories are in Green Tea
(3) How many calories does Green Tea have

Let's start,

This Healthy Food is really low calorie diet for all who are looking for Fast Natural Weight Loss.

Its perfect for burning fats and offers you other benefits as well.

It also retards the absorption of fat, catechins are inhibitors of lipases and lipids and interference allows the fats, cholesterol and other lipids be expelled.

It is an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant.

It helps clean your organs for optimum performance. It also helps prevent risks of cancer as its rich with phenols and help maintain normal blood pressure.

Green Tea Health Benefits are few but all are really very effective.

Its really very different from all other common slimming pills and ordinary diet capsules.

It helps you body regulate blood sugar levels, it will boost your metabolism while helping prevent your body from absorbing additional fat.

Recently I have get one comment which I want to share here,

Yes, green tea is very useful if we want to lose weight. Nevertheless, we must do fitness exercises as well. A specialized club in health helped me to lose my extra pounds, both with sport and with this kind of drinks. If we drink everyday a cup of green tea, we will feel much better, because it helps clean our organs as you said!

You can also take this Healthy Life Style Food with,

Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Side Effects of Steroids


The side effects of steroids can be very stern and even fatal. Nearly everyone on systemic steroids for more than a month suffers from a number of adverse effects, depending on daily dose and how long they have been on systemic steroids. These can include any of the following problems, which are not listed in any particular order of importance.

Different types of steroids are being used by various people in body building. Even athletes participating in many different types of sports have been using steroids to get better performance and build muscle.

How does Steroids Work ?

Steroids work by decreasing inflammation and reducing the action of the immune system. Inflammation is a development in which the body’s white blood cells and chemicals can protect against infection and foreign substance such as bacteria and viruses. In certain diseases, though the body’s immune system doesn’t function properly. This might cause irritation to work against the body’s tissues and cause damage. Inflammation is characterized by redness, warmth, swelling, and pain.
Steroids decrease the production of inflammatory chemicals in order to minimize tissue damage. Steroids also reduce the activity of the immune system by distressing the function of white blood cells. If steroids have been prescribed for one month or less, side effects are infrequently serious. However the following problems can arise:
Sleep disturbance
• Increased appetite
• Psychological effects, including increased or decreased energ

Green Tea Ice Cream Recipe

Green tea ice cream is a delicious treat to eat when you're in the mood for something cold.

It made from certain types of green tea powder usually from matcha or maccha which gives wonderful green color.

This Healthy Food is usually made by cooking the ingredients and then freezing them.

You can also experiment with vanilla, chocolate, etc.

Just take below given things near to you,

(1) 3 egg yolks (2) 3-4 TBS sugar (3) 2 TBS green tea powder, mixed with a little bit of warm water to form smooth paste.

Do not substitute with regular green tea or powdered green tea for this. It's a lot weaker, it won't work in ice cream.

(4) 1 1/4 c heavy cream (chilled, but not whipped)

Just start preparing it -

(1) Combine first 3 ingredients and swirl it in food processor for 4-5 seconds.
(2) Add cold heavy cream, and swirl it again for another 4-5 seconds.
(3) Put it in a shallow metal pan (freezes faster), and freeze it about 3 hours until almost frozen.
(4) Place the cream mixture back in the food processor and process again until it achieves the consistency of soft cream.
(5) Put it back in the metal pan and freeze. When it's frozen, this delicious ice cream is ready to eat!

This one is a unique and refreshing change from the regular ice cream flavors.

You can also visit my another latest Health Articles,

Green Tea Metabolism

Monday, January 2, 2012

Green Tea Metabolism

Green Tea is powerful drink contains natural and beneficial antioxidants that help release toxins from the body of other things that can harm you in the long run.

Heart disease, weight gain, and other toxins that potentially can do major damage to the body are offset by the powers of this ancient beverage.

In it's natural form it actually has more caffeine that coffee.

When caffeine is thrown into the body too fast it can cause a sudden rise in glucose levels, this makes it difficult and should be avoided by people with diabetes.

This caffeine in a way is gradually released within the body and allows for you to get a slow, but repeated supply of the it.

Fat in the body has been shown with the consumption of this, oxidizes fat deposits by nearly 20% more.

Green Tea Health Benefits has a good combination of things that activate a process called thermogenesis.

Catechins, polyphenols, caffeine, and antioxidants enable this process which allow your metabolism to burn more calories then it would have normally.

Also visit my other latest article on,

Green Tea Acne

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Green Tea Acne

Is Green Tea good for Acne -

Green tea has been shown to be as effective as a 4% solution of benzoyl peroxide without doing the same damage as this solution in terms of drying the skin and being harsh on the skin.

Green tea cleans your body from toxins and viruses which can cause acne and skin infection. It has an ability to negate viruses.

It is able to effectively counteract viruses that cause the body to experience diarrhea, pneumonia, inflammation of the bladder, and infections of the skin.

It stimulates the immune system within the body, strengthens and increases the role of the immune system in combating viruses and perhaps bacteria that invade the body.

Prepare yourself a cup of green tea to drink and cleanse your system from the inside and then rub the teabag over your skin to cure your acne fast.

The Green Tea Health Benefits not only extend to curing acne but also to various other skin conditions and by using this skin care regimen for your acne you should also improve the overall condition of your skin, unlike normal medication used in the treatment of acne.

To know about "Why green tea should be avoid in pregnancy?" visit,

Green Tea Pregnancy